
Bekimon series: Sad news

This is a sad story but it's true. After my last posting about the Bekimon series, Mudak sent me a tweet
saying ...

We all know that they have been going through a rough road with their friendship and somehow I has faith that they will fix this rough patches. I had my hopes up but then it's not looking good. Mudak finally closes the Original Junakis story and won't be back on his channel.

I honestly like their chemistry together and Mudak even admitted on his channel that it has been a hard past months for him and Junakis. I enjoy their videos just like other fans but then if all the negativity just forces them to separate ways then this might be the best for them.

I immediately replied to Mudak that whatever decision he makes I would still keep supporting his journey with his craft. Such a talented person and he is just beginning he's new life story.

not using xoxo,

- Posted using BlogPress from my ChaCha iPhone

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